Happy birthday, and I very much appreciate your analogy to running. A big part of my run coaching is strategizing with clients to be "a closer" (finish fast/strong) in their races. Self-care during the race (especially for ultra distances) is a big part of it. I also tell them, "be your own biggest cheerleader in your head"—silence the self-criticism, change it into self-compassion and cheering for yourself. Good for you for celebrating your bday in a healthy way! In addition to running, I challenge myself with "birthday pushups" to do my age in pushups. I have to stop & rest in between them—I definitely can't do my age in pushups all in a row—but it's a good feeling to have that strength at our age.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Karen Friend Smith

Great read and timely! My daughter is training for a 5K in CO and I'm planning to join her - finally going to do it and will keep these in mind!

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