Welcome to a new week!
As we have been settling into our new place and new routines this past week, I’ve been noticing a trend - the unexpected surprises that come from welcoming change.
It’s funny how that happens. You make one shift and there is almost a snowball effect of change that flows behind it. Stuff you didn’t expect and couldn’t have anticipated.
If you’re sitting on the edge of change, I hope this post gives you a bit of encouragement to open the door and lean into it.
Welcome to The LIFT
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Let’s face it.
Change is inevitable and constant. We love it. We hate it. It’s hard.
As humans, we like to get things dialed in the way we like and then pray that nothing comes along to disrupt our little bubble. But, of course, it always does.
The first time I really took notice of the patterns of change was while raising my daughters. From birth to adulthood, every time I would get used to one stage, another one would emerge. Every time I thought things were going along smoothly, all of the rules changed. Eventually, I learned that when things were ‘perfect’ - it was time to take a deep breath and enjoy it because it was a sign that change was on its way.
Over time, I learned not to cling too tightly and to always trust that the next stage will be even better. Sure, you always wish you had slowed down and enjoyed the one before just a bit more, but each new stage also brings with it new surprises and discoveries.
I’ve been reminded of how disruptive change can be these last few months as my husband and I navigated a move, a job change, and the start of a new business. It’s a lot. And throughout all of it, we could have tried to keep things ‘status quo’. To hold tight to our routines and systems. To make sure nothing really changed in the background of our lives. Instead, we decided to lean in and fully embrace the opportunity to change everything.
And, here’s what I’m noticing…

We spent several months looking for our next home. We had some basic parameters and saw several places we could have made work for us. But, when we stepped onto the back patio of the house we live in now - we both looked at each other and knew - this was it.
The patio looks right out over the golf course. An amazing view. Perfect for entertaining and relaxing. We loved it. It almost didn’t matter what the house looked like once we stepped inside.
Turns out the house is a little bigger than what we wanted and doesn’t have the upgrades we would have liked in terms of flooring, cabinetry and appliances. But - it is bright and open and we knew right away it would be perfect.
What we DIDN’T know is that it would be even better than that.
That patio we fell in love with faces North, but we had no idea that we would have such a great view of the sunset looking West from our patio until one of those first nights in the house when we noticed a glow outside the window.
We quickly adjusted our patio chairs so we could sit and enjoy the sunset every evening - and we do!
A few days later, early in the morning, I noticed a glow on the fence from inside the house. I quickly ran out to the patio and realized that we can also see the sunrise from our patio when facing the other direction.
What?! We can see BOTH?! Sunset AND sunrise?!
We quickly positioned a second set of chairs on the other side of the patio so we can sit and enjoy the sunrise, too! (And we do!)
One of the hardest things to give up in our previous spot was the expansive view we had from our high-rise apartment looking out toward the mountains. We knew we would miss watching the sunrises from that vantage point. But, wow - I never thought about landing somewhere that would give us something even better.
One of my daughters said - “Didn’t think your view could get better, but it did!”
The same is true inside the house. I had a list of things that I would want to ‘fix’ straight away. Cabinet pulls. The chandelier. Etc.
Instead, it all feels rather cozy. We have this sense of calm and peace in the space. It feels like home. I knew we would have fun with it and make it work, but I didn’t realize just how perfect it would feel.
Even better than we thought.
What if we had just stayed where we were? Tried to keep it all the same. As if nothing could be better? Look what we would have missed!
The same thing happened when a new business opportunity presented itself to me a few months ago. Somehow I knew this was an inevitable part of my future, but I wasn’t sure why or how. I just kept leaning in. Learning more. Following my heart. Staying open.
And then suddenly, the company I had been with for nine years shut down. If I hadn’t followed my gut instinct to explore the idea of change in the months before, the whole thing would have been much more disruptive. Instead, I had the luxury of making a quick pivot and moving on.
I knew right away that I could take this opportunity to replace my previous income and provide replacements for my current clients. But never in my wildest imagination did I think this business would quickly become bigger than my last. That it would bring so many incredible new relationships into my life. That it would reconnect me with people I had lost touch with. That it would give me an opportunity to stretch my wings and fly in a way I have never flown before.
Even better than I thought.
What’s even more exciting is that my change has led my clients to change. Every day, I hear from clients expressing gratitude for bringing this new brand to their attention and how they love it even more than the beloved brand I was with before. I’m helping people get results they have never seen with their skin and helping them reduce inflammation they didn’t even realize was weighing them down.
They knew I could help them find replacements, but they never expected to fall in love with them. To find something better.
Even better than they thought.
I just turned 56 yesterday. You’d think after 56 years on this planet, I would no longer be surprised by the fact that things always turn out better than you think - even the ones that start out badly.
We can’t stop time and change is going to come. If we could just trust what we already know - we just might be surprised to find something better than we imagined.
Change is hard, but it is ALWAYS good. And, it is even better if we allow it to carry us downstream to the next step along your journey rather than trying to fight the current or hang on for dear life.
Maybe take our eyes off the things we don’t want for a minute and let them look for the unexpected blessings that are waiting for us - if we would just look around the corner.
If you’re standing on the edge of change right now afraid to jump in, I invite you to take the plunge. Just go for it. You won’t regret it. Let it swallow you up and carry you to a view you never imagined.
This week, I challenge you to embrace change. Let it be better than you thought. And then, come back and let me know what surprised you most.
If you’re not in a place of change right now, then take a moment to enjoy the pause while you can. Look around and appreciate the view.
READ: 10 Powerful Benefits of Change and Why We Should Embrace It | Tiny Buddha
READ: Navigating Change | The LIFT
READ: What If It Turns Out Better Than You Expect | Dr. Jessie Mahoney
We often talk ourselves out of change because we aren’t sure if it will work out or we anticipate the worst potential outcome, but what if it turns out better than what we expected? Wouldn’t that be worth exploring?
See you next week?
Meanwhile, reach out to me anytime!
Karen Friend Smith
Certified Health Coach & Environmental Health Specialist
Specializing in Perimenopause & Menopause
Instagram: @itmaybemenopause
Your home sounds amazing - can’t wait to see it! You do have a way for words, karen! Great article! Don’t like change, but it happens in life so i embrace(?) it rather than run from it! ❤️
I absolutely love the Brianna West quote. I had to read it a few times. It is a wow factor. And for me, it's perfect timing. I'm currently walking through fear while hoping to find my place in the sun.
Love the view from your new home. Where did you more from and to (states) did you move to? (And best of hopes and happiness to you in your new home!)