I’ve been struggling with consistency since my son went to college seven years ago. I think empty nest and living alone are what screwed up my routine, or lack thereof. I started walking consistently last year and have lost 10-15 pounds. Now I need to have an eating routine. Ugh! It’s so hard when you live alone. The other thing is finding time to grow my business and create other sources of income. Today I’m working on organizing my office. I think that will feel really good when I finish. Thanks for reminding me of the benefits of structure!

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There is always something else to work on! Never-ending 😜. Keep at it & congrats on your walking routine!

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Karen Friend Smith

Love this! I NEED routine and am so lost without it!!!

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Yes, and you’re so good at establishing routines!

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Karen Friend Smith

Thank you! As a teacher just back to work after an epic summer, I’m actively figuring out how to keep in the things I love. Calendar time!

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Yes, the calendar is key! Blocking out those times for joy. Enjoy getting back into your back to school routine! Sending you good vibes!!

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Consistency seems to be on a lot of writer’s minds lately.😉 I love reading what everyone has had to share. It prompts me to examine my life and give myself a pat on the back for the areas where I’m knocking this out of the park, and awareness around the areas where I’m not.

Great read as always, Karen! Thanks for sharing!

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Yes, this time of year everyone is changing up routines & trying to bring an element of discipline back to life after all the summer extravaganzas. I think the older we get the more we benefit from our consistency which makes us value it even more and want to use it in other areas of life where we want better results.

Thanks for being here! I appreciate your consistency showing up! 🤗

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Of course! I love supporting your writing! And of course, being impacted by it along the way. 😉

Happy Labor Day!

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