Great food for thought, Karen! Every minute you spend thinking about lengthening your life is time away from the moment you are living in now. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

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I read this as I’m in bed with Covid. I’m through the worst, and there was only one bad day. But I get pretty sick (strep, pneumonia, now Covid) about once a year, and it really sets me back. I’m fragile for another week or so, my workouts took a hit, etc. I take good care of myself, namely I eat clean, and I workout regularly. What else can I do to boost my immune system? I can’t imagine these kind of fever pains/headaches/coughing at 100.

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Karen, you have a knack for zeroing in on what I have been contemplating!! Thanks for the ideas and now if I can make myself do what is necessary I could make it to 100!! (maybe) Thanks!!!

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Thanks for your post that is inspiring as always. Having cared for my parents in their poor health through their death, I know the importance of good health for old age. I recommend a book by Sanjay Gupta (the CNN medical correspondent) called "Keep Sharp - Build a Better Brain at Any Age" about how to reduce risk factors of dementia and enhance overall health. I'm totally committed to my health & wellness for longevity, in large part in reaction to my parents' poor health and mom's dementia. But, I will say that's only part of the pictures of what's needed for a good old life. The other two key things in my view are relationships, and financial security. Having strong relationships (be they family and/or friends) is crucial. And, having financial resources to afford caregiving later in life also is crucial. I worry about my friends who don't have life partners or siblings they can count on for help when they're very old, and/or who don't have resources for late-stage life care.

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Karen, That is the question - what do I need to be doing now to be healthy and independent when I am 100? I am 83 years old - or young - and my choices are based on it.

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