Aug 4Liked by Karen Friend Smith

I think we all deserve to slow down a bit to truly enjoy these days we have been blessed with šŸ˜Š!

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You are so right!

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Happy Birthday, Karen. I will be thinking of you on the 10th. Iā€™m older than you but I never let myself slow down. Iā€™ve been in denial. Thank you for giving me permission to not bounce around like a bouncing ball. Have a good week in your new home. Iā€™m glad youā€™re feeling better!

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Aug 4Ā·edited Aug 4

Vertigo is no bueno! Of course my husband was on a business trip to India at the time and my son was just a little guy (I remember pushing him around in the stroller at the Phoenix Zoo the day before I woke up with it). The spinning came out of nowhere. I had just watched the movie Into the Wild (which is an amazing true story) and immediately thought, "I must have been poisoned by the oregano oil I poured in my soup the day before - which was expired". I called poison control and the gal very calmly said, "well, that wouldn't cause this, but it may give you an upset stomach". So, Vertigo it was. Called my mother and sister and they came rushing over - lasted a day or two and like you mentioned, if I was fine if I did certain things like stay upright. Computers screens seemed to trigger it over the next couple of weeks, but I would just look away and reset. Still a mystery, but I had received a tetanus shot not long before that and one of the side effects is 'vertigo'. Happy to hear you're better and settling into the new digs.

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I felt the first of slowdowns this past week. Bouncing around like a pinball is the perfect description of how I've lived most of my life.

I'm preparing to hike a difficult mountain this week. I torqued my back just slightly today slipping on scree descending on a practice run. It was a warning. I don't think anything is seriously wrong, but that's all it takes is one misstep and that's it. So. Whether I decide to continue and try for the peak, or take it without pushing myself, I'll make it a win...after all, wins are sometimes characterized differently as we age.

I hope you feel better soon!

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Well written! I am sorry you went through this again but implemented the strategies that worked for you. Being a decade older, one learns to be more grateful, appreciate each day and schedule time around health and wellness first or make it a daily ritual somehow sometime during the day. Switching up priorities change as we age. The landscape of life changes as we age and so do our priorities. Our life experiences are always evolving as we age each decade, itā€™s called Life. And we only get one life, so we should make it the best we can!

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OMG Karen!! The first time you experienced this must have been scary; glad you know what to expect should it happen again. I know itā€™s not hereditary bc my mom had this several times and I never experienced this! Hopefully itā€™s all behind you, however, now you know what to do! DeAnne ā¤ļø PS: Hope you are loving your new home.

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