Before I left for a 7-week road trip to get my happy back I systematically worked around my husband's erratic schedule. He is a truck driver. He is at the mercy of dispatch. So I'm at the mercy of dispatch. That's what burned me out and why I had to take a step away and get back on 'Patti time' - it worked but today I'm starting from a blank page.

I've been back for a little over a week and already missed my publishing schedule, my workout suffered and my eating, well, the latter hasn't gone sideways yet. I feel too good to get back into bad habits. I faltered one day with junk food and paid the price dearly for two days plus a slight weight gain that we know in these later years takes double or triple the time to lose it.

In my particular case I'm learning to work even when I'm not motivated and in blocked mode. I do a little routine to warmup and just start. It isn't easy. It's torture. So when you figure out something that works, share, because I'm really at a loss on how to put a system in place when being married to a guy who flies by the seat of his pants definitely affects my own scheduling and productivity.

On a side note. I worked real estate for nine years. Within the first three or four months of breaking in I transitioned to commercial real estate to sell apartment buildings, mobile home parks, small hotels, and raw land... I stepped completely away from selling residential immediately after seeing what a pain it was.

Commercial you don't work weekends. Businesses aren't open, the conduct everything M-F. What a difference in productivity that made! I didn't have a degree, no prior experience in business (except behind a dice table), and flew but the seat of my pants, but made it work. It's like being on a roller coaster, but the results were so much more fulfilling. It was one of the more challenging things I had to learn but the pay was worth it, both mentally and financially.

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Welcome home! I find the ‘blank page’ freeing, but also overwhelming. So I am experimenting with blocking my time out in my calendar for specific tasks. Each week, I realize the piece that got dropped or didn’t work and I make sure to add that into my calendar and to do list for the next week. Little by little rebuilding a schedule that supports the things I care most about. As long as those things have space in my life and don’t get lost, I am happy. 🤗 It’s a slow process but I know slow is usually better for me long run because the shift happens slowly and then it sticks.

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I’m a work in progress. Let’s leave it at that. :)

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Haha! Aren't we all?? :)

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