It seems that these things you listed (right on, by the way) keep getting interrupted or maybe better said they need constant re-consideration, revision, revival. For instance, de-fining what alone time means. It was a real challenge when I had little ones to watch after. And when they left home, it felt 'lonely' to be alone. Then I began to get creative about MY space. I've always enjoyed having a 'creative space' where I hang out with myself. However, I'm feeling a little lost right now (post-pandemic?) so I'm thinking that's where I will focus this week. Snuggling into an inviting corner of the world always give me a LIFT (and unleashes my creativity, relieves stress, helps me sleep better, improves my frame of mind, yada yada). Thanks for the reminder of how important it is to claim my personal space in this crowded world.

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Sep 12, 2021Liked by Karen Friend Smith

I feel like u have been reading my mind. During a sluggish run yesterday I had so much on my mind. Why was I suffering? Was is because I haven’t slept in a year due to hot flashes, was my eating not as clean as I thought, was it the stress of the world. YES! Thank u for reminding me to take a moment. I am going to practice being more mindful this week and take time to breath!!

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Feeling pumped... haha! ;)

I really love the sections where you talk about being at the helm of our lives and feeling empowered, focused, and ready. And I totally agree, we need more women feeling fully alive! The more I put myself first, the more I feel this way. I'm so grateful that I learned about self-care a couple years back and have been working on it consistently. I'm in a much better place!

P.S. Thanks for the extra links. I checkout the the one with 50 ideas and did #5, #14, #46, and #48. And then I popped back over to leave a like and comment. Probably why mine begins with, "Feeling pumped!" :))

P.S.S. So glad I popped into Substack today and took the time to check out your newsletter. It's really great, Karen! I'm super happy for you!!! <3

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